So, the past few weeks have been dedicated to much supply searching and price gathering and we have narrowed much of our choices for our gear down. Personally, anything I spend more than 30 dollars on, I do some intense searching and review reading. Sometimes days worth. I wanna make sure I know as much possible about the product. Then I wanna find the best deal on it. Thanks to the internet, it is almost always possible to find that better deal.
Backpacks, comes first. Then tent, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, Chaser's backpack and booties, appropriate clothing, and stove. Then closer to the trip will be Chaser's medications and flea medicines, our food, trekking poles, first aid, and other misc things to round out our backpacks/home for 6 months.
However, I'm currently a little stalled out stuck on the real first product I want/need to purchase. Camcorder. My currently one simply won't cut it. This is something I've been needing for a while and now it's more important to me than ever. The more I've been thinking about what I want out of this trip other than the amazing experiences, people, and views is to share it with everyone. I think our hike will be unique and worthy of documentation. Which has been made the current decision on a camera that much harder. Professional vs. not quite professional. I know how to make things look and sound professional in post editing but I'd like to make that job a little easier.
I need high def, I need a good mic, and I need flash drive capability. And a viewfinder would be nice. Oh and it not sucking all the savings up would be nice too. Is this even possible? God, I hope so. But I've put so many hours into looking at so many cameras it's hard to say.
We do want to take it to the level of getting sponsors and hopefully some publicity. Sharing the journey, which according to Ringleader of the Traveling Circus and Monkey(their website for their 2010 thru hike) requires a lot of work. Their website is well laid out, with itineraries, gear list, video updates, and more. They did it right and that's what I need to start focusing on. Contacting national parks to allow me to use footage of their parks in addition to releases for people to sign for consignment to use them for a video. Not to mention what it takes to keep Lindsay's and my bond strong despite a rolling camera. She has to be committed too. It's not my hike, it's ours.
Why am I stalled out at a camcorder? We want to start documenting now. This journey is longer than 6 months for us. It's 18 months cause we are starting it now. Prep mode is just as crucial as the rest. Well, not for everyone but it is to us.
So, first comes the camera then slowly picking off the rest of the supply list, one by one. That's going to be exciting! Then the rest of the hardcore saving for the trip. Looking forward to every minute.
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